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"Control can sometimes be an illusion... But sometimes you need illusions to gain control. Fantasy is an easy way to give meaning to the world. To cloak our harsh reality with escapist comfort. After all, isn't that why we surround ourselves with so many screens? So we can avoid seeing? So we can avoid each other? So we can avoid truth?"

Elliot Alderson


My name is Elie Monnickendam, I am a small-scale developer/engineer specialized in Python, Bash, Linux and many more diverese technologies. My goal is to create software for the world to further improve infrastructure.


Lanuguages Technologies Softwares
Python MacOS Visual Studio Code
Bash Windows Replit
HTML5 Raspberry Pi Atom Text Editor
CSS3 MicroPython Devices iTerm2 Terminal
Markdown CircuitPython Devices


Please feel free to download what you would like. (p.s. these files are publicly available at other places, so this is basically just a collection)


Did you know I also love climbing? Here are some of the best climbing walls in Switzerland.

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